RAW Hemp Wick 20ft 716165250173-SI

SKU: 899783835 Category: Tag:

RAW Hemp Wick is a product of RAW Rolling Papers . It is made with all natural, unrefined, unbleached hemp and beeswax. So if you want the most natural smoke ever light up with the most natural lighter! Simply light the end with a lighter or match then tilt the wick to control the flame and light your smokable like normal! No butane, no fillers; this hemp wick comes in a 20 ft roll so you can get your smoke on! Our Butler thinks this is the best way to enjoy a natural light, so grab one up today. To much wick? Check out RAW’s 10ft wick instead. RAW Hemp Wick is a product of RAW Rolling Papers . It is made with all natural, unrefined, unbleached hemp and beeswax. So if you want the most natural smoke ever light up with the most natural lighter! Simply light the end with a lighter or match then ti